What could be better than lying on a beach chair and listening to relaxing music? Not much … Probably climbing a high mountain for those who like extreme sports.
In the last couple of weeks, I tried out something completely new for me. Something, I didn’t even know it existed! I did altitude training, however not in the classical way. One might think that such a training really pushes you to your limit. But far from it! All you have to do is breathe. Deeply, calmly and regularly.
What I am talking about is an oxygen therapy which is a form of simulated altitude training. The technical term for this therapy is IHHT, which stands for Interval Hypoxia Hyperoxia Therapy. IHHT has been around for a while. So far, it has been used primarily in rehabilitation clinics. In the meantime, since healthy people can also benefit enormously, it is also available to the larger public.
I have just had my sixth session and already felt an effect after the very first meeting. Immediate better and deeper sleep and an increased energy level.
But what exactly is the magic behind this oxygen training and what is it used for? Without becoming too scientific: Oxygen is the fundamental prerequisite for producing the energy required for cell metabolism. This high cell energy is vital for us. It is not just important for our wellbeing and performance; it is also important for all metabolic processes and for cell regeneration – and thus for maintaining health and for healing. Oxygen deficiency in the cells is therefore one of the most important causes of chronic illnesses. IHHT promises to improve energy production in the power plants of the cells, the mitochondria. The effect of IHHT is comparable to high-altitude training (up to 6,500 metres).
The machine takes a little time to get used to. You are actually hooked up to an oxygen machine, including a breathing mask. This looks a bit scary at the beginning. One session takes about 40 minutes. With light simulation, the device shows you whether you are currently ascending or descending the virtual mountain.
Who is IHHT training designed for? Basically for everybody, every fitness level and every age. For people who cannot do physical training due to illness and for competitive athletes who want to improve their fitness level. Or just to recharge empty batteries. Due to the positive stimulation and regulation of a variety of body functions, this method is increasingly used for the treatment of degenerative diseases, such as:
- Exhaustion / burnout
- Long covid
- Insomnia
- Allergies / asthma
- High blood pressure,
- Diabetes mellitus
- Hormone disorders
- Migraine
- Overweight
For me, this “altitude training” was definitely worth it and I will certainly repeat it from time to time.
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